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Scale - Up Conclave 2025

ScaleUp Conclave 2025 hosted by ScaleUp Village, that brings together entrepreneurs, investors, aspiring business leaders, and students on a shared platform. It's designed to spark meaningful conversations, nurture fresh ideas, and create real opportunities for growth. With a focus on startup investments, idea development, and professional connections, the conclave is all about inspiring action, building relationships, and helping people take their business ambitions to the next level.

ScaleUp Village is a unique hub in India supporting startups and businesses. As an incubator and accelerator, it offers tools, guidance, and connections to help entrepreneurs grow and succeed.

Talk On Drone Tech and Scalable Startups

Mr. Praveen Ramachandran Nair will discuss scalable startups and drone technology.

Topics Covering:

  • Building a Scalable Startup: Strategies to grow your bussiness
  • Introduction to Drone Technology:Overview of drone innovations.
  • Drone Technology in Agriculture: Impact on precision farming and crop monitoring

Bangalore Air Show - 2025

We were privileged to have Shri Priyank Kharge, Hon’ble Minister for Information Technology and Biotechnology, Government of Karnataka, visit our stall at Aero India 2025. Our team had the opportunity to showcase our cutting-edge drone technologies:

✨ Our firefighting drone designed for forest fire mitigation.

✨ A cargo drone equipped with a winch system for disaster relief operations, ensuring safe and efficient load drops.

The Hon’ble Minister was thrilled to see such innovations emerging from Karnataka, contributing towards both nature conservation and humanitarian efforts. He also acknowledged our hashtag#flagship AI-driven solution, hashtag#KrushakAI, reaffirming his awareness of our work in agriculture domain.

His appreciation motivates us to continue pioneering next-gen drone solutions for critical missions in disaster response, environmental protection, and beyond!

A big thanks to the media houses @Vijaya Karnataka, Associated Broadcasting Co. Pvt Ltd (TV9) , @DeccanHerald and TV5 Network Inc. Times Network for their continued support in highlighting advancements in indigenous drone technology.  

Kerala Global Summit 2025

This prestigious event, organized by the Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) under the aegis of the Department of Industry and Commerce, aims to attract significant domestic and international investments across various sectors crucial to the state’s economic growth.

Kerala is quickly gaining recognition as an emerging hub for Global Capability Centers (GCCs), fueled by its highly skilled and versatile talent pool. The state is at the forefront of key technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and cybersecurity, which are essential for the global digital economy and position 

Kerala’s strategic location offers proximity to essential vendors, a thriving startup ecosystem, and a strong support network, making it an attractive choice for companies looking to establish or expand GCCs. Among the various tiered cities, Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram are particularly prominent, attracting significant interest from investors and corporations as focal areas for GCC expansion.

To further support this growth, a new GCC policy is in development, which will enhance Kerala’s infrastructure and incentives for global enterprises, solidifying its role as a dynamic and competitive GCC destination in India.

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