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Terrain Monitoring

The Most Effective Method for Terrain Monitoring is to utilize unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in order to collect high-resolution imagery for use in complex photogrammetry and geomatics techniques. UAVs, commonly called drones, provide indispensable help, efficiency in terms of speed and precision, as well as cost savings especially in inaccessible or difficult to navigate locations. UAVs are rising among many industries and have become very popular in numerous interdisciplinary researches, but for survey engineering they represent a quantum leap. 

using SfM an image-processing technique based on computation that allows the reconstruction of a photographed surface. Combined with the presence of ground control points (GCPs) of known coordinates on the ground, the obtained georeferenced deliverables allow the monitoring of surface features and understanding of landslide mechanisms.

Three-dimensional (3D) modelling of landslides, such as the creation of digital elevation models (DEMs) and digital surface models (DSMs), allow for different volume calculations, such as displacement, erosion, accumulation etc. 

These calculated features are related to the amount of landslide movement, which can provide valuable understandings of the mechanisms responsible for landslide dynamics and are crucial when predicting future movements.

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